Our world is filled with noises, the sounds of hustle and bustle. Some sounds, we look forward to more than others. Others, we long to hear, but sadly never do. The truth is, the God of heaven and earth, the mighty God of the universe speaks to this yearning. But listen closely. It’s sounds may surprise you.
Yes. That’s a baby crying. This baby was the gift of God’s Son, Jesus, who came to live in the very world He had created. He lived as a part of this world just like you and me. Except for one thing: He was perfect. This baby boy would grow into a man who lived a sinless life, a man who would one day stand before one of the most powerful rulers of his time who would exclaim, “I find no fault in this man.” But it didn’t matter. Jesus was sentenced to die.
That sound makes me shudder.They pounded nails into Jesus’ hands and feet. These nails held Him to a cross that brought Him to a death He did not deserve. But, if you can imagine, the pounding of that cold metal into His flesh wasn’t the hardest thing Jesus endured.
While on the cross, Jesus cried out, “my God, my God! Why have You forsaken Me?” As excruciating as it was, the physical death of Jesus’ body paled in comparison to the torment of His soul. The Bible teaches us that on the Cross, Jesus took on the weight and burden of every sin upon Himself, that’s every outburst of my anger, every hateful thing I’ve said, every wrong choice. Jesus took the penalty that we deserved - death and separation from God - who is all that is good, holy and loving. He did this so we would not have to endure such a fate. He died so that we would not have to.
Ah, the sound of victory! The sound of freedom! The sound of life! You see, Jesus didn’t stay attached to the Cross. He didn’t stay trapped inside a rocky grave. 3 day’s after his death, His tomb was opened as Jesus arose from the dead. Jesus lives again and forever more.
And now comes the best sound of all - an invitation. Jesus calls out to each of us, “will you trust in me? Will you believe in Me and accept that I’ve paid for your sin and offering you eternal life with me forever?”
Now I hear you and the question your heart is asking now, “How do I get love like this? What do I have to do to be loved like this?” The answer is simple. Easy. Nothing. This gift of salvation and eternal life is a free gift. Jesus purchased it for you with His very life. You can’t pay for a gift that’s already been paid for.
The Bible says, “for by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.” You must simply receive this gift.
Will you receive God’s gift? Will you believe and trust Jesus as the payment of your sins? You’ve heard the sounds of His love. Now, what will you do with them? Will you believe them? Will you trust Him?